Anna's books

And Then There Were None
Catching Fire
The Hunger Games
The House Girl
The Maze Runner
The Truth About Forever
Just Listen
Beautiful Creatures
Looking for Alaska
The Fault in Our Stars
The Outsiders
To Kill a Mockingbird
The Giver
Second Chance Summer

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Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Blog Reflection

The blog post that best exemplifies my ability to analyze what I'm reading is my post about the writing style, characters and themes in My Sister's Keeper. The link to this post is below:

In this post, I included an analysis of how Jodi Picoult's writing style affects the reader's perception of each character. I used a quote from the book to demonstrate character development and theme. The quote I provided was just one example of the many instances where the reader's understanding is deepened and we can understand the perspectives and choices of certain characters. I was also able to identify and analyze a theme: how unexpected and seemingly coincidental the connections between people in our lives can be. These are a few quotes from my blog post that demonstrate thorough analysis:

"The reader can understand the reasoning behind each character’s actions, visualizing flashbacks and digging into similarly broken pasts. The following quote is just one example of the extraordinary writing style that gives us a glimpse into why each character acts as he/she does. We begin to understand that Jesse has become a lonely and reckless delinquent because of some insecurities and a lack of fulfillment during his childhood, always being overlooked in the presence of his sisters:"

"The author has perfectly crafted each individual storyline, ripping our hearts and minds in opposite directions, leaving us hopeful for an ending of happiness but also for one of justice. She has intertwined the lives of characters who might not otherwise be connected, if it weren’t for Anna. If it weren’t for Kate. In addition to posing ethical and legal questions, this book illustrates how great an impact one person can have on another person’s life. How connected we all are, even if only by one shared relationship or history."

A few goals I have for myself are to make reading more of a regular habit and to choose books that might be out of my comfort zone, or from a new genre or author. I'd also like to continue blogging and/or journaling about what I read and about topics I'm interested in. I think reflecting and analyzing what we read is very important, as it helps us understand and appreciate the message so much more. I'd like to keep track of how many minutes/pages/books I read per month, setting specific goals for myself in the coming year. Planning to read 2 hours a week, for example, will allow me to hold myself accountable for my reading. I want to work on how much I take away from my reading, what I learn. I think I can also improve my attention to vocabulary. If I make an effort to identify and define new words, I can tremendously widen my horizons, implementing strong word choices in my writing and speaking. I'm very excited for the future and I have a lot of books I'd love to begin reading and analyzing!

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