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Sunday, August 24, 2014

The Sea of Tranquility by Katja Millay (theme and book review)

The central theme of The Sea of Tranquility is learning to rely on others in order to overcome trauma and hardships. The main character, Nastya, was physically attacked and developed Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder as a result. For over a year after the trauma, she didn't speak to anyone. She had frequent nightmares and flashbacks to the attack and her entire personality shifted. She became more introverted and wary of developing new relationships. At first, she had anger and hatred towards her attacker, which played a role in her selective mutism. The attached article describes effects and symptoms of PTSD, many of which Nastya displayed. 

Josh, Nastya's fellow classmate, lives on his own because of his tragic lack of family members. All around school he is associated with death, preventing him from having much of a social life. Josh is also cautious of building new relationships, with the fear of losing yet another person in his life. But when Josh and Nastya meet, they soon bring out the best in each other and learn to be more open. I will stop here and refrain from explaining how the rest of the book unfolds and how each of the conflicts are resolved. Hopefully I haven't spoiled the book too much! Overall, the theme in this book is very identifiable and easy to relate to, on a smaller scale; it's hard to overcome hardships alone.

I'll end this post with a review of the book. I'd give The Sea of Tranquility 3.5 out of 5 stars. It had great character development, diction and suspense. I would've liked to have learned more information about the less-developed (flat) characters, like Nastya's family members. The book really makes you think though, about how you'd react to situations like the ones Josh and Nastya faced. The characters had very interesting points of view because of everything they'd been through. The Sea of Tranquility isn't the best book I've ever read, but it was a quality book nonetheless.


  1. Anna, the way you described the book makes me want to start reading it! The theme is something we can use in our lives as well, it seems as though The Sea of Tranquility teaches us the lesson that everyone goes through hard times, yet the people that make it through these hard times are the people that open themselves up to others. For Natsya and Josh, to be able to pull themselves up out of their conflicts and learn to talk about it, they just needed each other. When you go through a hard time, friends and family will come to support you and be your backbone as you overcome the conflict. This is a great lesson to learn, and I will be looking for this book to read next!

    -Aboli Kesbhat

  2. You described the theme, content and characters really well! It looks like an interesting book. You described in detail and very professionally. I like how you mentioned what contributed to Nastya's role in being socially unactive and her Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, as well as Josh. I will maybe look into buying this book in the future to read!

  3. I really liked how much you described the book and said and explained the theme. This books sounds so good! I really want to read it now!! The theme of this book sounds like something that applies to our lives, but most of us don't count on people.. This book is definitely on my reading list! I really liked how you described the characters and about why Nastya is the way she is.
