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Friday, November 21, 2014

Specials by Scott Westerfeld

This week, I've been reading Specials by scott Westerfeld. So far, the plot hasn't really taken off from the exposition. The characters and setting have been introduced but the level of suspense present in the previous books hasn't kicked in yet. I have definitely seen character changes since the first book, however. Tally Youngblood has gone from a hopeful Ugly to a deceived Smokie to a rebellious Pretty to a programmed Special. She is working against the people she once worked with. Her desire for freedom from the confining restrictions of the city has been transformed into a desire to get revenge and take down anyone in the way of the city and its goals. Her mind has been manipulated just as much as her appearance, molded into a twisted view of beauty. I really wonder if she will ever be the same person she used to be, or if she fell into a permanent trap of obedience to Special Circumstances. 


I'm not very far into the book but I have a few predictions. I think Tally will find Zane and realize how the Special Circumstances has manipulated her and how wrong she is about the Smokies. (Just as a refresher, Special Circumstances is a "secret" organization within the city devoted to stopping rebels and the Smokies are people, mostly 'Uglies', who have escaped the city along with its corrupt values.) I also predict that, along with Tally's search for Zane and potential encounters she may have with the Smokies, Tally will face some tough decisions and make more than a few mistakes. This has been the trend in the other books in the series, too; just as guilt from one betrayal is released, another mistake is made and settles in Tally's conscience. I think it's also safe to say that alongside Tally's internal conflict, some problems may arise between Shay and Tally again, or maybe Tally and David. With these predictions come many questions for what will happen in the rest of the book.

About the Author:

Scott Westerfeld was born in 1963 in Dallas, Texas. With his B.A. in Philosophy, Westerfeld is a composer of modern dance music in addition to a popular author. He has written nearly 20 books and received many awards. His most recent novel is titled Afterworlds and was released just this year. Scott Westerfeld rotates between living in New York City and Australia. His book tours, blogs and videos have added to the success of his books and his career as an author. He writes mostly science fiction and young adult novels. Here are some reviews of a few of his books:


“Highly readable with a convincing plot that incorporates futuristic techonologies and a disturbing commentary on our current public policies. Fortunately, the cliff-hanger ending promises a sequel.”
-School Library Journal (starred)


“Just as thrilling as its predecessors, but it’s also a thoughtful novel of ideas, a brilliant parody of the modern obsession with fame.”
-New York Times
“When a book pursues you into your dreams, you can’t ignore it."                                            -Sunday Telegraph
“Afterworlds is a wonderful book for any young person with an interest in growing up to be a writer.”
-New York Times
The following link contains more information about Scott Westerfeld and his books:

Friday, November 14, 2014

Pretties by Scott Westerfeld (summary and review)

I just finished reading Pretties, by Scott Westerfeld. This is the second book in the Uglies series. This book proved to be just as captivating as its prequel, answering many of my questions but posing new ones as well. When Tally Youngblood turns herself into Special Circumstances and becomes Pretty, she forgets the real reason for her sacrifice - until she meets Zane. This book explores Tally's journey: testing the cure, escaping the confines of the city and developing relationships. The city realizes the danger that Tally might bring. Privacy is restricted, conversations are constantly monitored and locations are tracked. Obstacles such as these, as well as Shay's stubbornness and Zane's negative reaction to the cure, produce a lot of suspense and conflict. The following quote demonstrates the fact that the city doesn't tell its citizens the whole story, or give them a choice to stay ugly and keep their brain in tact:

"'Their reasons don't mean anything unless I have a choice, Peris. And they don't give anyone a choice'" (Westerfeld 232).

In this book, Tally, on her way to find David and Zane and the New Smoke society, finds herself trapped in a barbaric culture that is only in existence as a sociological experiment for Special Circumstances. She witnesses the terrible results of a powerful society that's based on cruel, corrupt ideas of beauty and perfection. As Tally slowly regains her memories, which were originally stripped from her during the operation, she remembers why she truly back came to the city and the one who helped her in the process, David. 

Overall, this book did an amazing job building off of the first book and creating suspense for the rest of the series. The foundation of this series is very interesting and the characters continue to develop and surprise. I'm left with some questions, however. What do Zane and Tally have in store for them with their return? Will the 'New Smokies' escape to safety? Will Tally join Shay and the Specials? I cannot wait to read the third book, Specials. I would definitely give this book a 4.5 out of 5 stars and I'd recommend it to anyone who likes fictional books centered around futuristic, dystopian societies, with some action and romance mixed in as well. In this trilogy, the characters are developed very well and they're individualistic in personalities. Brave and shy. Guilty and ignorant. Courageous and sentimental. Ugly and Pretty.

The following link displays various symbolic quotes from the book: